Hi @ForgotMyUsername ,
Checkout-Code operation using Generic Git repository with recurse submodules...
I can't reproduce this, but I can see how that issue might occur. Your repository must have a GitLink entry in the target tree (i.e. folder you're checking out), but there's no corresponding reference entry in the .gitmodules file. I've updated that to be a warning., and just pushed the Git 2.2.3 extension.
It will be included in the next maintenance release of BuildMaster, or you can download/upgrade now.
Every minute an exception appears...
Nice find; this will be fixed in next maintenance release (2022.10) via BM-3844
Clone application fails when trying to clone application using generic git repository...
I believe this is related to importing "releaseless-builds", and this may be fixed in 2022.9 via an internal commit (i.e. one we didn't log an issue for). Clone does an export then import. If that doesn't fix it, please export the application and provide it to us, so we can inspect the file for issues.
Regarding [5], can you send logs? The scenario you describe (existing repo with the same name) is already tested and handled, but there's likely something that's missing.