Hi @edward-a-peng_7759 , There are no plans for a "generic" OCI Registry feed type. However, if you can help us understand what value this could add, we can consider building one. A generic OCI registry seems to be like a "dumb" file system that's built around "dumb" cloud storage like S3, etc. What I mean, it's just files with no context. There is no real visibility into what's stored an OCI registry - it's just a place to store and access unnamed files via digests. ProGet is a "smart" package and container system, and stores OCI-based container images (i.e. Docker images) in a Docker feed, and Helm charts in a Helm feed. There are so many advantages to this "smart" system vs a "dumb" registry: You can browse images and charts in the UI Charts and images are "linked" and you can see what charts reference which images You can see what packages are used by images Vulnerabilities are visible in charts, which packages/containers use, etc. You can track downloads and configure permissions and control access A "dumb" file system obviously couldn't offer any of this - and is one of the reasons people prefer ProGet over ECR, ACR, GCR, etc. So far as I can tell, it doesn't matter to client tools whether you use ProGet Feeds or a generic OCI registry -- everything works the same with regards to helm, docker, kubernetes, and other supported tools. Are there any advantages to having Helm charts being stored or accessed in a different manner? Thanks, Alana