Hi All.
I've been tweaking with ProGet on and off for a bit now and each time I come back to it, it is with the same goal that I am attempting to achieve.
In nearly all of our external retail websites, there are tonnes of connections to third party websites which inevitably drive up the loading times for our customers. Some loading times can be upwards of 10+ seconds (depending on huge sneaker drops or major releases)
What I'm wanting to achieve is similar to unpkg.com with ProGet.
e.g. https://unpkg.com/jquery@3.3.1/dist/jquery.min.js
Having the ability to bring all of these external connections, down to as minimal as possible, would be a huge time save for our customers.
I know at a certain level, we can manually extract the .tgz while uploading to a new Asset Directory.
However, there isn't a way to automatically do this (that I am aware of) and access the contents of said package, like unpkg does: https://unpkg.com/flickity@2.2.2/dist/flickity.min.css
Does anyone know of a way to achieve this, or are my expectations of ProGet misguided?