Hi @arunkrishnasaamy-balasundaram_4161 , Thanks for clarifying! [1] The MavenIndex file is not at all required to download artifacts from a remote Maven Repository nor to see the latest version of artifacts. In ProGet, all this allows you to do is browse remote artifact files in the ProGet UI which typically isn't very helpful. [2] It's not possible to change this [3] ProGet does not have "group repositories", but uses feeds with connectors. The model is different, and feeds with connectors will often cache packages in a lot of organizations. [4] It's likely you will be unsuccessful in your ProGet configuration with a setup like this or at least give your users a big headache and lots of pain/confusion. This is considered an "old mindset" the for configuring artifact repositories that were based on "files and folders on a share drive" not packages. This "closed approach" will greatly slows down development, causes duplicate code, and lots of other problems. Modern development approaches do not use this level of highly-granular permission. Instead, they take a innersource model. You do not need to make everything available to everyone. However, less than 1% of your 2k projects will contain sensitive IP or data that other teams can't access - those projects should be segregated into sensitive feeds. The logic is, "if everything is sensitive, then nothing is sensitive" [5] ProGet does not generate a "support zip file"; if we require additional information when supporting users we ask for the specific information