Thank you! That information allowed me to get a lot further than before.
At the very beginning of this script, the script separates into multiple threads using async. In each thread, the same variable is being set to different values. Will the values for each variable be contained within each respective thread? Or might they leak over into other threads?
Thank you,
foreach $DeployableName in @BM_DeployableList
with async = DeployableList
set $DeployPath = $Eval(`$BM_DeployPath_$DeployableName);
set $AppPoolName = $Eval(`$BM_AppPoolName_$DeployableName);
IIS::Stop-AppPool $($AppPoolName);
Delete-Files *
Directory: $DeployPath,
Verbose: true
Deploy-Artifact $DeployableName
To: $($DeployPath),
DoNotClearTarget: false
IIS::Start-AppPool $($AppPoolName);
await DeployableList;