I do not see that option.

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Need to change my forum email address
Self explanatory; I don't see a place to change it in my profile. Thanks!
RE: Migrate data out of git raft into file based raft
So I able to make a copy of it, and it has the files but none of the configurations in the roles. I will try copying the git repository and see if that works.
Migrate data out of git raft into file based raft
I am migrating to a new server, as my old one is dying. I was able to install otter on the new server and restore the otter DB from a backup, but I am not having much luck getting my git server (On Prem Bitbucket) back up and running. Can I grab everything out of the git raft and transfer it to a new file based raft that just works?
RE: $PSCredential- round two
Yes, same user. Like I said, I have taken great care to eliminate variables trying to understand what is going on.
RE: $PSCredential- round two
It's a 2016 Server, so it comes preinstalled with 5.1. 5.1.14393.3471 is the specific version.
RE: $PSCredential- round two
That's a good idea, but I actually started off using the $env:computername and switched to $servername thinking that maybe somehow Otter wasn't using the $env:computername variable, but it didn't make any difference.
RE: $PSCredential- round two
Strange. I am running the code locally on the target server in powershell, and it is working flawlessly. The FindOne and FindAll work to limit the machine. Intellisense also auto completes these, so they are present and working.
works fine and returns the result on the sql machine I am targeting the psensure configuration on. I am not changing the code or machine I am testing on; changing anything or introducing variables would not constitute a very scientific observation. Same code, same machine. When run locally, works fine. When run in Otter, it does not work. I am guessing it is how Otter formats things sometimes; that would be my guess. But Otter is not handling this line of code. and it would help to understand why.
RE: $PSCredential- round two
Looking at your example, I am not sure how it could work. Your TargetOU is not in distinguished name format. Should be something like "'CN='Users',DN='Domain',DN='Test'". Did you move the computer object from one OU to another? I am curious about the results there.
RE: $PSCredential- round two
Here is the code for the PSEnsure:
#Assembled Jonathan Engstrom 20200219
Key: $KeyName,
Value: True,
Collect: >>$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $Value = (Get-ADComputer -Identity $env:COMPUTERNAME).DistinguishedName -match $TargetOU $CurrentValue = (Get-ADComputer -Identity $env:COMPUTERNAME).DistinguishedName ((($Value -eq $true) -and (($env:COMPUTERNAME) -match 'sql')) -or ($env:COMPUTERNAME -notmatch 'sql'))
Configure: >>$samAccountName = $ServerName $newOU = [adsi]"LDAP://$TargetOU" $comp= ([adsisearcher]"samaccountname=$($ServerName)$").FindOne() $comp.GetDirectoryEntry().MoveTo($newOU)
KeyName and TargetOU variables are set. I am not running an agent, I am doing everything agentless.