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How to configure extension galleries in Visual Studio 2013?

  • Hi,

    I created a Visual Studio 2013 extension. I would like to distribute it like all other extensions are distributed: Through the Extensions and Updates window, but using an additional extension gallery.

    To do so, I created a NuGet package with all contents and I uploaded it to a feed.

    Then, I opened Visual Studio 2013 / Options / Environment / Extensions and Updates. I added a new additional extension gallery and tried many URLs until one worked, this one:


    Where "our.server.company.com" is our company's server domain and "Development"is one of the feeds.

    This URL shows me the packages available in the feed. But with 2 issues:

    1. The version number is not shown in the name nor in the right panel.
    2. If N versions are uploaded, then N items are shown, again, with no version information.

    If I access the package through the regular web interfaces, then only one package is shown. If I click it, then the available versions are shown.

    Question: Is there any url that can be used for the extensions and updates window in visual studio?


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.0

  • ProGet does not currently support Visual Studio Extension ("visx") feeds; we will add this in a future version, there hasn't been a lot of requests for it.

  • Would love to see a VSIX feed (didn't see a way to vote for this feature).

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