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Connection Strings
We currently use "cliconfg.exe" to maintain our SQL server aliases on each environment.
Thus our connection string can be uniform across environments, e.g. server=TESTDBSERVER;database=Test;uid=sa;pwd=!@#$%A1
When setting up connection strings with BuildMaster though, the connection string is tightly coupled with an environment. Thus I am forced to create a provider for every environment.
Is there a way to decouple this?
P.S. We are only evaluating BuildMaster currently, but as a POC we want to proof we wouldn't need an agent on all database boxes, but can leverage SQL Server Client Network Utility.
A similar problem exists with deployables.
Only one deployable can be associated with a connection string.Would be nice if I can associate many deployables with the same connection string and also many environments with the same connection string.
The Database Connections module is designed to segregate connection strings in this exact manner; this way, only certain privileged users can use the database connection their privileges allow.
In this case, it might make sense to build a custom Database Provider that's based off of the SQL Server one. This is pretty easy, and several users have done this.
Please contact support, and we will send the source code for this.