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ProGet Startpage Privileges Problem

  • Hi Guys,

    we have the problem our users can login on ProGet WebUI to see the Feed list. After login they get a redirect to the login..

    Our users have special rights for the feeds so that you see only the feeds they need. After the update to Version 3.7.4 the login don't work anymore.

    But if the AD group get the Scope "any (System)" to see all feeds the login is working.

    Something is worng pls check this.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.7.4

  • Can you make sure that the General_ViewHomePage task is granted for the role that these users have?

  • Image Text

    Yes you can see it on the img

  • Image Text

    sorry here is a better img

  • I guess I could see this happening if all the privilege grants are specific to a feed, since viewing the homepage is not a feed-specific task. Can you create a new role i.e. "ViewHomepage" and add the General_ViewHomepage task to it, then grant that role to everyone at the system level?

  • Hi Tod

    this is working your Idea...
    but now every user can see all feeds and that is a problem so your Idea dosn't help us...

    In the last version of proget it works without adding everyone to system level so I guess in the new Version is a bug....

    any other ideas ?

  • They shouldn't be able to see all feeds unless the Feeds_ViewFeed task is granted for that user -or- the Anonymous user.

    The task I recommended only allows access to the home page, which then lists feeds that are individually validated against the Feeds_ViewFeed task. If the General_ViewHomePage task is granted to the anonymous user, then everyone would be able to see the feeds without logging in, is that what's happening?

  • Hi Tod,

    yes the user have Feeds_ViewFeed but this is not the problem.

    The problem is under "Manage Privileges" the Scope "System" we must add any group/user with the Scope "System" to see the Startpage and this.

    pls check this in your Testsystem add user and give Developer rights for 1 feed and try to login on the Startpage were all the other feeds are. If he had the Scrope "System" it will work and he can see all feeds and only in 1 feed the can add and download files but if he had not Scrope "System" the Startpage dosn't show it comes to an redirect to the login. And the user must enter the direct feeds url to upload or download files.

  • You are misunderstanding what I'm saying for the workaround. Here is what you need to do:

    1. On the Admin > Manage Roles page, create a new role named ViewHomePage that only contains the General_ViewHomePage task
    2. On the Admin > Assign Privileges page, grant the ViewHomePage role to whatever users you want to see the home page at the SYSTEM level. This will not give them the ability to see other feeds.

    Note that we will have new behavior for this in a future version because the General_ViewHomePage task should not be scopeable per feed - it should ignore the fact that the home page is not scoped to a feed and still allow access as long as the task is granted for at least 1 feed.

  • Hi Tod,
    sorry my falled
    your workaround is working

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