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Not all functions working in certain situations

  • For example, when creating an artifact it would be useful to name it $DeployableName_$BuildNumber, or $DeployableName_$Date1_$BuildNumber. However, the only function I've had any success with so far is $BuildNumber - the others in this example are simply treated literally. Is this expected behaviour? Is there any documentation that covers which functions can be used in which situations?


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.7.3

  • Hi Simon,

    The variable matching isn't taking place because you're using the simple syntax (see "notation" under Variables Documentation). Specifically, BuildMaster is looking for a varaible named "DeployableName_", which doesn't exist, and thus it is replaced as a literal.

    So, either change to "$DeployableName-$BuildNumber" or "${DeployableName}_${BuildNumber}".


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