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There was an error with a connector: The operation has timed out

  • When searching a NuGet feed via the ProGet website I get the following error

    There was an error with a connector: The operation has timed out

    This only happens on a feed where I specify a filter of something other than *.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.5.5

  • Hi Stewart,

    This is either a NuGet.org timeout/slowness (common, but goes away), or a network-level filter/firewall that is blocking/swallowing the URL requests.

    You can use a tool like Fiddler or Wireshark to see the traffic between ProGet and the outside world to help debug.

  • The timeout seems to be exactly 10 seconds and I can browse the full list of packages so I'm ruling out slowness of NuGet itself. It also means that I'm hitting NuGet.org to get the full list of packages

    I've logged another question which looks related.

  • I've captured the URL:

    https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/Search()/?$top=20&$skip=0&$filter=(IsLatestVersion) and ((tolower(Id) eq 'log4net')%20or%20(tolower(Id)%20eq%20'json'))&$orderby=DownloadCount%20desc&$inlinecount=allpages&searchTerm='log4net'&targetFramework=''&includePrerelease=false

    It eventually returns the correct results but it is consistently taking more than 10 seconds. Is there any way I can increase the timeout within ProGet?

  • That url takes about 2-3 seconds for me... although this kind of query (filtering by ID, an indexed field) should be near instantaneous. And for a long time, it used to be.

    This is either a temporary problem with NuGet.org, or they've broken something on their end. Can you please raise the issue with via twitter (@NuGet) and/or their Issues -- it tends to be much more effective when it comes from their actual end users.

    In the mean time, you can increase the default connector timeout under the connector's settings. Obviously this will make every query that uses the connector really slow.

  • I'll raise this with NuGet.org

    In the meantime how can I increase the timeout for a connector? The only options that I can see on the UI are

    • Connector URL
    • Connector Name
    • User name
    • Password
    • Filters

  • It looks like the timeout box is not being rendered for some reason. We'll be releasing an update this week for ProGet which will include a fix for that. For now, it is possible to set the timeout either directly in the database or using the API. If you have access to the SQL instance, probably the easiest thing to do is change the Timeout_Period value for the connector (it's in seconds). You can get the connector ID by looking at the URL for an edit connector link. After setting it, you'll probably need to restart the web site by going to the All Settings page and just clicking Save.

    Sorry about this- we haven't needed to change the timeout period for a while.

    As far as the poor performance goes, I imagine nuget.org simply is not optimizing anymore for the types of queries that our connector filters are using. If there's nothing simple they can do on their end, we'll figure something out, but hopefully it's just a temporary issue with them.

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