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All Feeds have the same title

  • Initial feed content contains a title- field. I would expect to find the name of the feed there but the title is always "Default". Would be great to have the real title in this context. Any chance to get the feed name from the feed content?

    The feed "MyFeed" looks like that:

    <service xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app">
        <title xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">Default</title>        
        <collection href="Packages">          
          <title xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">Packages</title>        

    I would expect to see "MyFeed" instead of "Default" in the title.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.4.6

  • We can certainly change this, but all of the other NuGet servers out there seem to always supply "Default" for the title regardless of the feed. I doubt the NuGet client depends on this being Default, but we'll need to do some extra testing to make sure it's safe. The feed name will already be supplied in the URL, so is there any reason in particular you'd like to see it here as well?

  • You're right, it's not a hard requirement. More a bit inconvenient to handle it when consuming feeds. Maybe most of the feeds out there have the Default in the title since they only serve one feed :-)

    However, i guess it would be a good idea to be compatible with the Default. Better for proget to be compatible with the tools out there and better for our solution to be compatible with non-proget-feeds.

    Thanks for the hint.

  • Sure. It's sometimes hard to tell exactly what's part of the spec and what's not for something like this. Would it be helpful to add the feed name as an HTTP response header? I know it's safe to do that.

  • For me, using the feed name from the URL or getting it in a header makes no difference. So for me, that's not required. Thank you.

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