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Filtering Feed Browser

  • Is it possible to filter the feed browser for a feed that also has a connector?

    i.e for a feed that has a connector to, say, NuGet.Org, but also has locally stored packages it would be great to see, say, only the locally stored packages.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.4.1

  • Hi Andy,

    If you don't want to see connected packages... you could just delete the connector?

    Otherwise, NuGet itself (nuget.exe, package explorer, etc) does not have the concept of "connector" or understand anything like that, so of course it would not be possible for NuGet-based tools to search for such packages.



  • I'd just add that if you are consuming the feed using a different client, ProGet does add an additional OData property called IsLocalPackage that will indicate if it was served locally from that instance of ProGet or via a connector.

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