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Do not overwrite build artifacts

  • We have a need to avoid recreating build artifacts on re-executions if they already exist. I have tried a few ideas, but I have run into issues and questions with each route.

    1. Use a predicate to just skip the "create artifact" peace on re-execution. No question here, it just doesn't quite meet the requirements. If a build fails before the artifact is created, re-execution should create it.
    2. Use a variable to track whether an artifact is created. I tried a build-level variable with a default value of "false", but it seems that the variable gets set back to the default value on every execution. If I don't set a default value it works, but I'm forced to type "false" into a text box when I create the build. Is this intended behavior or a bug?
    3. Create a custom predicate to check whether a build artifact exists. This seems like the most promising option so far, but I don't see an obvious way to check artifacts through the IActionExecutionContext that's passed in to the Evaluate method. Is there any way to get the list of build artifacts from a custom predicate?



    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.4.6

  • Option 3 is the way to go (until we add this to BuildMaster's core at least):

    using System;
    using Inedo.BuildMaster;
    using Inedo.BuildMaster.Data;
    using Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions;
    using Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Agents;
    using Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Predicates;
    namespace CustomExtension
            "Artifact Does Not Exist",
            "Evaluates whether a specified artifact exists on disk.")]
        public sealed class ArtifactExistsPredicate : PredicateBase
            public string ArtifactName { get; set; }
            public override bool Evaluate(IActionExecutionContext context)
                string artifactsBasePath = StoredProcs.Configuration_GetValue("CoreEx", "ArtifactsBasePath").Execute();
                string artifactPath = Util.Artifacts.GetFullArtifactPath(
                    context.DeployableId ?? 0, 
                using (var agent = Util.Agents.CreateLocalAgent())
                    var fileOps = agent.GetService<IFileOperationsExecuter>();
                    return !fileOps.FileExists(artifactPath);
            public override string ToString()
                return string.Format("Artifact {0} does not exist", this.ArtifactName);

  • Thanks Tod, that's exactly what I needed. Works like a charm.


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