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Cant add packages

  • I am trialing Proget for managing our internal nuget packages. I have just installed using an existing database and selected IIS for hosting.

    I have set up a new nuget feed.

    The problem is that when I try to add a .nupkg package from my local machine to the new feed I still see 'No packages found' in the feed browser.

    I can see that the package has been moved into the feed disk path.
    The Proget Service is running.
    No recent errors have appeared in the admin page.
    The Default feed pointing at nuget.org appears to be working fine.

    I am sure there is some config I am missing but not sure what.

    Can you help at all with this problem?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.2

  • There must have been a hiccup in the indexer with regard to creation of the new feed and the immediate addition of a package. To re-index, you can either restart the ProGet service or set the RebuildPackageIndex configuration setting (Admin > All Settings) to True.

  • Still no luck with this:

    I have restarted the service and set the RebuildPackageIndex property to True.
    I have tried adding another new feed and it doesn't work either.

    Is there a way to enable any detailed logging output that I can look through?

  • Got there in the end.

    Turns out that the proget service wasn't correctly configured.
    Once I changed this and restarted the service the packages turned up!

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