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Packages not found after upgrading to 2024.29
Most of our weekly builds started failing after upgrading because packages with quirky versions can nog longer be downloaded. After downgrading to build 27 the builds work again.
The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(Failed to download package 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.1.0.0' from ... The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(Failed to download package 'System.Net.Http.Formatting.Extension.5.2.3' from ...
Is there any way this can be fixed because I can't upgrade ProGet anymore or do you need more information?
Hi @v-makkenze_6348,
I apologize for the delay on our side. After testing these two packages (
), I'm unable to recreate your error. They download fine for my tests. Can you please try to delete these two cached packages and try it again?Thanks,
I deleted the two packages and manually removed them from disk.
Uninstalled Proget and installed build 31 en tried a few builds.
They seem to work now, this weekend all builds will run but I think they will work.Thanks
Most builds work now except our flagship build, it fails on this package
System.Management.Automation.dll version 10.0.10586
I can't find it in te UI but it is on disk.
I tried to upload it again but then I get a message it already exists.It's a transitive dependency of Open-Xml-PowerTools
Hi @v-makkenze_6348,
So this package is a wierd one for sure. NuGet has actually removed it entirely from NuGet.org because it violated their terms of use. I would highly recommend switching to a supported package for that. That being said, there is a great answer in this stack overflow article on it https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1186270/referencing-system-management-automation-dll-in-visual-studio and you can see the removal from NuGet.org here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.Management.Automation.dll/
Basically to view this in ProGet, you will have to navigate manually to it in your feed because it is no longer returned in NuGet.org's search queries. You can use the following URL as a template (just swap out host and feed):