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Creating a new PowerShell module

  • I'm laboring on a new PowerShell module I'm tentatively calling InedoOps, which enables an administrator to administer an Inedo ProGet instance via PowerShell. It is shaping up quite nicely, though I've got quite a bit more to do before I would consider it "ready".

    Would there be objections to my publishing this to the PowerShell Gallery once I'm done? Right now the code is private on my Github. If any Inedoers want to have a sneak peek, leave your Github username and I'll invite as a contributor, or if you are OK with it being flipped over to public, I can do that and share the link.

    I'd really rather like a set of eyes on it from your side so you can see my approach to things and get your blessing on it. Particularly around my use of stored procedures for some things! I'm.....unsure how "stable" those are in terms of them changing in future versions, etc.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @steviecoaster ,

    That's great... sure go ahead publish, no objections on our end at all :)

    Actually, there is at least one PowerShell Module out there already that we occasionally point people to: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/ProGetAutomation

    That one's been around for a long while... certainly since before we had a lot of the API endpoints that you're using. I also don't think it does user provisioning, etc. So, it'd be nice to have alternatives to share.

    We're also happy to take a look, but we most definitely aren't PowerShell Module experts. So we can't give feedback on the code/architecture/structure. The Native API / StoredProcs are usually pretty stable, but with the ongoing Postgres development, we are doing some minor refactoring of the SQL Stored Procs to ensure parameter consistency.


  • Thanks! I've gone ahead and made it public at https://github.com/steviecoaster/InedoOps. Still have a while before I put it on the Gallery, but I like developing in the open when I can!

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @steviecoaster,

    Thanks! We will take a look as soon as we can!


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