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Exporting application variables and triggers

  • Deployment plans can be exported/imported as XML which is great.

    Is there a way to export/import other settings like application variables/settings, workflows and triggers ?.

    We need this as we are stuck with using SQLExpress for now due to financial constraints, and our database is approx 9GB which is nearly at the limit of SQLExpress.

    Our thought is to export all the application settings, then reinstall Buildmaster with a blank database and import the settings. Of course we will loose the deployment history (but can review it from a database backup if needed).

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.2.6

  • We don't have export capability for those other items just yet.

    Does purging the logs as per http://inedo.com/support/questions/1826 not help clean out 90%+ of the space? The log table is the one that typically fills the BuildMaster database.

    There are some other tables that could also contain a lot of data depending on usage, those being:

    • BuildOutputs (if you generate and store reports with every build)
    • BuildTestResults (if you run unit tests during builds)
    • EventOccurenceDetails & EventOccurences (if many users are constantly using the software)

    The first 2 can be purged for rejected builds, and the event occurences can be purged entirely if that data is meaningless.

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