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Manipulate users using pgutil
Are there plans to include the ability to work with user accounts via pgutil? For my use case I would like to be able to programmatically create a user account and assign it a read-only role to a specific feed such that I can configure and consume packages from the restricted feed on an endpoint. Currently there is not a way programmatically (at least that I can get to work) to do this sort of thing programmatically via PowerShell.
I've another thread on the forums which I was pulling on the HTTP api thread, but that led to a dead end as I can't craft appropriate JSON that the endpoint accepts, not for lack of trying haha.
Hi @steviecoaster ,
The "Security API" has been on our mind for years, but I'm not sure if any of our paid users have expressed interested in it; I suspect it's because they are using AD/LDAP, so there's no need to automate users this?
AD/LDAP is one of the reasons that users purchase ProGet, so there's obviously a concern of creating an easily-scriptable alternative.. as I'm sure you can understand!
The Native API should definitely work, since it's just a wrapper on Stored Procs.. and the UI uses those same Stored Procs to do it's thing. However, it definitely requires some studying (likely looking at the sproc code) and may requires a few calls to learn the internal IDs.
I recently wrote a very simple "script" to call a Native API in our Otter product, and I guess it's not even using JSON:
Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri "http://otter.localhost/api/json/Rafts_CreateOrUpdateRaftItem" -Body @{ API_Key = "abc123" Raft_Id = 1 RaftItemType_Code = 4 RaftItem_Name = "mypath/myscript.ps1" ModifiedOn_Date = Get-Date ModifiedBy_User_Name = "API" Content_Bytes = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("'hello world'")) }
Seemed to work fine, so maybe use that Pattern?
Otherwise, I'm aware of one customer that sets up lots of instances in an edge network, but they just wrote a SQL Script to provision a lot of other settings. Even if we had an API, that was easier for them. So perhaps that's an option as well...