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Deploy FILE artifact fails with "Can't set date"

  • Deploy "FILE" artifact fails on remote UNIX-Solaris server fails with ...
    INFO: Artifact successfully created.DEBUG: Execution complete. Finalizing...DEBUG: Target directory unused; joining with source.DEBUG: Finalization complete.DEBUG: AgentBasedAction initialization complete:DEBUG: Temp Directory: /sa/rms/build/_A3/_S4/TMPDEBUG: Source Directory: /sa/rms/build/_A3/_S4/WRKDEBUG: Target Directory: /portstd/prg.port/SUPPORT/DEBUG: Server: ACPXCD (Id: 8)DEBUG: Initializing action...DEBUG: Initialization complete. Executing...DEBUG: Preparing directories...DEBUG: Attempting to get artifact associated with deployable ID: 4DEBUG: Artifact for action group's deployable found at: C:\BuildMaster\Artifacts\3\1.4\1\4\FILE.zipDEBUG: Loading file from C:\BuildMaster\Artifacts\3\1.4\1\4\FILE.zip...DEBUG: Getting list of files in target path...DEBUG: Getting list of files in artifact...DEBUG: Determining which files need to be deployed...DEBUG: 1 files in artifact; 1 files have changedDEBUG: Deploying files...DEBUG: b1770001.zipDEBUG: Extracting artifact zip file...ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred while executing this action: System.IO.IOException:
    unzip: Warning! Can't set date: /portstd/prg.port/SUPPORT/b1770001.zip

    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Agents.Ssh.SshAgent.ExtractZipFile(String sourceFileName, String targetPath, Boolean overwrite)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Util.Artifacts.DeployIncremental(IAgentBasedActionExecutionContext context, DeployArtifactOptions options, ActionLogMessageDelegator logger, String artifactPath, Action throwIfCanceledOrTimeoutExpired)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Util.Artifacts.DeployBuildArtifact(IAgentBasedActionExecutionContext context, DeployArtifactOptions options, ActionLogMessageDelegator logger, Action throwIfCanceledOrTimeoutExpired)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.Artifacts.DeployArtifactAction.Execute()
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.ActionBase.ExecuteInternal(IActionExecutionContext context, ExtensionConfigurerBase extensionConfigurer, Boolean resumeNextOnError, Boolean logErrorsAsWarnings)

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.2.3

  • Interesting, it looks like the unzip program is returning a non-zero exit code, which causes the SSH agent to interpret the command as an error. You might be able to get around this by editing that specific Deploy Artifact action to treat errors as warnings.

    Also as a workaround, you could deploy the artifact to the "CurrentDirectory" on the BuildMaster server, then use the Transfer/Synchronize Files action from the CurrentDirectory on the BuildMaster server to the Solaris server.

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