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pgutil exclude test and build projects

  • Hello,
    I am currently using CycloneDx in my build plans to generate BOMs. I am considering to switch to PgUtil but I am missing a feature: the possibility to exclude test projects and the Nuke build project. Those projects often use vulnerable libraries but I do not want to see them in the reports as they are only used during the build process. Is there already a way to exclude specific csproj from the BOM generation of the analyzed solution? If not, could this be added in future versions?

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @sebastien-gamby_3349,

    I don't see an option to do anything like that, but we're happy to brainstorm/think of an option to add. The main issue is documentation and avoiding having 1000 options.

    I see that there's a ---do-not-scan-node_modules switch; maybe that could be converted to a --excludePaths={relativePathCsv} or something? So ---do-not-scan-node_modules would become --excludePaths=node_modules and you could do --excludePaths="myproj1.csproj,myproj2.csproj" or something?

    Just brainstorming here, not sure if that's even feasible.

    Here is the current documentation for the command

      Generates a minimal SBOM from project dependencies and uploads it to ProGet
      pgutil builds scan [options]
      --input=<input> (REQUIRED)                Project to scan for dependencies
      --project-name=<project-name> (REQUIRED)  Name of the component consuming the dependencies
      --version=<version> (REQUIRED)            Version of the component consuming the dependencies
      --api-key=<api-key>                       ProGet API key used to authorize access
      --do-not-scan-node_modules                Do not scan the node_modules directory when scanning for package-lock.json
      --include-dev-dependencies                Include npm development dependencies from the package-lock.json file in the
                                                generated SBOM document
      --include-project-references              Include dependencies from referenced projects in the generated SBOM
      --password=<password>                     ProGet user password used to authorize access
      --project-type=<project-type>             Type of the consuming project (default=library)
      --scanner-type=<scanner-type>             Type of project scanner to use; auto, npm, NuGet, PyPI, or Conda
      --source=<source>                         Named source or URL of ProGet
      --username=<username>                     ProGet user name used to authorize access
      -?, --help                                Show help and usage information
      $> pgutil builds scan --input=WebDataTool.csproj --project-name="Web Data Tool" --version=1.2.3

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