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Standards for Feed Setup with Connectors
We have been using ProGet for a while now and are really starting to expand how we use it. We have developers upload private, shareable NuGet/PyPi packages and mirror nuget.org/PyPi packages. We hadn't had multiple connectors for one type of feed until recently with NPM repositories and some new NuGet feeds for other vendors.
Has anyone found if associating multiple connectors to one feed made management easier or more difficult? If you introduce promoting packages, does that affect the decision to associate multiple connectors to one feed?
An example we have is mirroring the default NPM rpository as well as a FontAwesome NPM repository for a paid tier. It seems easier to associate both connectors to one "unapproved-npm" feed and promote allowed verisons to one "approved-npm" feed, but we also don't have an automated pipeline around promoting packages. So, we are still very earlier in discovering what works for us.
Any input/experience would be greatly appreciated!
Hi @kichikawa_2913,
We see multiple connectors pretty often, and it rarely presents a problem.
The main downside comes in the overhead of aggregation; for some queries like "list all package versions", each connector will need to be queried and have the results aggregated. So it could cause performance issues for for very high-traffic feeds - at least that's what we see on the support side of things.
However, if you plan on using a package-approval workflow, then it won't be a problem, as your
feed wouldn't have any connectors.Hope that gives some insight,
@dean-houston Thank you for the insight! Definitely did not think of that as an issue.