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What is the V symbol on universal packages?
I stumbled upon this V symbol when scrolling through Inedos open feeds. What does it mean and how does one add it? :)
Hi @carl-westman_8110 ,
It's a Virtual Package; they're kind of a niche solution that, in retrospect, we probably shouldn't have created them.
@apxltd I see, thanks for the info!
The use cases seems legit I think, like bundling multiple packages. Why would you like to have it undone?
@carl-westman_8110 it's definitely a nifty and convenient function, but a poor feature from a product standpoint.
Users don't expect functionality to bundle content like this, so they won't use it unless we push it -- and to do that, we need to articulate benefits, show how it's a better solution than what they're doing now, and convince them to take the time to switch.
That's obviously a lot of work, on top of all the code to get it working.
I know a handful of users have found some value in virtual packages (and we use it internally), but being reminded about them now -- with about a decade more of experience behind me -- it feels like the wrong thing to focus on at the time, with limited resources.
That said, it doesn't even come close my top 10 worst product choices... so probably better we built that, than something else
@apxltd I understand what you mean
When I have your attention I would like to just tell you that you have done an amazing work on ProGet as a product. It has everything we need while not being overcomplicated or overpriced. It really is a great product.
And the support through this forum is also always superb, fast and accurate.
Great work!
@carl-westman_8110 very happy to hear it, thanks for the kind words :)