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Connecting feeds

  • I need to organised my internal packages into many feeds that vary according to access/compliance requirements. Access to each feed can be managed accordingly. To make it simple for developers I would like to present a single feed for each language. If I use connectors to combine feeds I think it will copy all packages into the main feed and lose the original feeds permissions meaning everyone with access to it will see everything. Is there a way to use connectors where they proxy the connection effectively evaluating the access permissions dynamically and not copying?

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @matt-wood_5559,

    I think I understand what you're asking - basically you'd like to create a feed when some users see one set of packages, but other users see a different set?

    This is definitely not possible, and it's simply not something ProGet does from a design standpoint: i.e. "file-system type" granular permissions.

    While it might seem convenient or nice to give users "just a single URL" to access, it ends up makes things much more complicated to configure/use/maintain. Basically some users will get random "package not found" errors while others will build fine. It'd be very confusing and big headache.

    Instead, it's best to educate on different feeds/repositories, and help them use and request access as needed.

    Hope that helps,


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