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Assigning package versions

  • So a package feed has 3 levels,

    1. the feed,
    2. the package
    3. the package version.

    License information is shown at the 1st/3rd but not a the 2nd. I can assign a license at level 3 and then choose to assign it to level 2 but the option is not displayed at level 2. I might be missing something but is there a reason for this?

    When I assign a package version a license i.e. Apache 2.0 the package version then displays "Warning: use with caution because of no license". Am I missing something? Also is there a way to change the license as I can't see any option to do so?

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @matt-wood_5559,

    I might need a little more information / screenshots with what you're looking at here....

    There could be a bug/oversight, etc. Perhps you could walk through steps / show screenshots of what you're seeing? If it's on maven central, we can then repro and take a look


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