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Otterscript: Usage of Success exit code or EXEC operation - clarifications
Hi, I tried to find it in the Forum and documentation but without success.
I have an Otterscript in Buildmaster which should perform different code depending on the success or not of an Exec (or PSExec) command.
How can I do it?
IS there any variable containing the exit code of the command, that I can test in an IF THEN ELSE?
Or does an exit code different than the Success exit code raise an exception and thus I need to put it in a TRY/CATH?
Hi @fabio-xodo_3872 ,
This is not captured in an output variable, but you can control which exit code means success or failure:
Exec MyProcess.exe ( SuccessExitCode: "> 0" );
Another alternative is to write a PowerShell script that captures the output as a variable, if you need to do logic based on multiple codes.
We could always add support for capturing it as an output variable as well.
hope that helps,