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ProGet Npm Feed cache
We found some potential issues with the ProGet npm feed. We can observe this on both our instances (test - version 2024.3, and prod - 23.0.31)
So when using public npm registry npm works like expected and is using cached packages:
npm http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/xml-name-validator 2575ms (cache hit)While using ProGet registry it's updating the cache every time:
npm http fetch GET 200 https://proget.wtg.zone/npm/Registry/xml-name-validator 2924ms (cache updated)(logs from npm ci --verbose)
Any hints on this?
Pawel Ostrowski
ProGet does not set cache headers for npm requests, so this behavior is expected.
Thanks @stevedennis for the answer.
Can we expect any improvement on that in the near future?Regards,
ProGet dynamically generates these indexes based on an aggregation of locally stored packages and connector results on each request, so caching doesn't make a lot of sense.
npmjs.org, on the other hand, needs to only update indexes when a new version is uploaded, so the cache duration can be a long time.