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ProGet 2024 default font size

  • So this is a strongly subjective thing, but I was wondering why the default font size was changed from 14px to 16px.

    I've been looking around other UIs (GitLab, TeamCity, Google, this forum, etc.) and the default text size seems always to be around 14px.

    Maybe I'm off here, but 16px somehow it looks "wrong" to me.

    Would love to hear other opinions about this, so feel free to jump in.

    Forgot to mention, the new Karla font itself is perfectly fine, just talking about the size.

  • inedo-engineer

    Maybe I'm getting old and 14px seemed to small 😂

    In addition, we don't display a lot of textual information so the larger font size seemed to fill out the whitespace nicer, particularly in tables (which there are a lot).

    I was never really all that happy with how this filled out whitespace (from ProGet 2023):

    I'm not thrilled about ProGet 2024, but it felt like an improvement... and most importantly, "something different" than past few years:

    That said, for ProGet 2025 I'd love to do a much more notable style refresh (logos? etc?), perhaps even some navigation tweaks. So open to ideas there

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