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Error during upgrade

  • Hi,

    We are running Proget within IIS as the root project but we get this error each time we upgrade. Been working around it for a time but would like to fix it.

    Any tips on how to solve this?

    ** Ensure ASP.NET Core Module is installed **
    ** Ensure IIS Site: $ProductName does not exist **
     DEBUG: Looking for Site "ProGet"...
     DEBUG: Does not exist. Creating...
     ERROR: You must specify binding information when creating a site.
    ERROR: You must specify binding information when creating a site.

  • The workaround for now is to restart the IIS application pool and start the proget service through the website.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @v-makkenze_6348 ,

    This error can happen if you made certain changes to IIS configuration; in this case, you changed the name of the ProGet site in IIS to something else. That is not supported, so you will get this error.

    In general, we recommend moving away from IIS; this is because Microsoft no longer recommends using IIS for modern applications (.NET). And there is weird behavior like this. They only recommend it as a proxy server and legacy application server (Classic ASP, .NET Framework, etc).

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