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Programmatic way to manage API keys
I am automating the install and configuration of a ProGet server and would like to know if there is a way to create new API keys using an API ?I was planning to use the Pseudo Key option with the Admin account to login and setup the API keys I require, but this means I need some programmatic way of managing the API keys and I don't see an API listed for this on the ProGet forums?
Any ideas to get around this ?
Hi @forbzie22_0253 ,
We do not currently have an API Key API, but this is something we are planning for ProGet 2024.
Today, you'd need to use the Native API. Since you're automating an installation, it's easeist to just use SQL to call those API/Stored Procs, since you'll also want to modify other properties like license key, etc.
@atripp I looked at the native API but creating or updating the key was missing.
I've now looked at creating the key via stored procedure as you said.
Is there a link or blog where you publish your upcoming features such as these new APIs?
Do you know when the 2024 version will be released?Thanks
Hi @forbzie22_0253 ,
We are aiming to release ProGet 2024 in early April; here are the upgrade notes in progress, which will give some idea of what's coming: https://docs.inedo.com/docs/proget-upgrade-2024