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Wrong debian apt documentation (web and app)

  • Hi,
    I found several mistakes in the debian feeds client configuration documentation, both inedo docs webpage and proget app web (strangely they aren't the same).
    wget -qO - http://{proget-server}/debian-feeds/keys/{feed-name}.asc
    In a new Debian feed that URL address return the error (404) Not Found.

    In the section Adding the repository there is a misspelling (debina vs debian)
    echo "deb http://{proget-server}/debina/{feed-name} {distro-name} {component-name}"

    On the other side the information the Integrate with apt information on proget web app is also erroneous:
    echo "deb http://myserver:8624/debian/stable/bionic libs scati third" | sudo tee "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/proget-stable.list"
    The distro-name should be separated by a space from the URL echo "deb http://myserver:8624/debian/stable bionic libs scati third"

    Above all, bear in mind that apt-key was considered deprecated as of Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @daniel-scati,

    Thanks for reporting these. We've fixed the documentation issues, and will have the integration instructions corrected in the next release (v2023.30 as PG-2585).

    Regarding the apt-key deprecation, we were aware of that when redoing Debian for v2023.22, but at the time it didn't look like there was any kind of consensus for how to handle trusting a third-party repository, and nearly all other repos we looked at still only gave instructions for using apt-key. We're happy to reevaluate this if there is a better solution available.


  • Setting aside the apt-key deprecation point. I'm using now 2023.32 and the Integrate with apt documentation is perfect now.
    If I'm not wrong the web documentation it's still incorrect, though.

    Add the signing key
    To add the signing key to apt, run the following command:
    wget -qO - http://{proget-server}/debian/keys/{feed-name}.asc | sudo apt-key add -

    Should be:

    wget -qO - http://{proget-server}/debian/{feed-name}/keys/{feed-name}.asc | sudo apt-key add -

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @daniel-scati ,

    Thanks for catching that! I have updated the documentation.


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