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BuildMaster Agent WebService/API

  • Hi

    We are trying to get some info around how we can interface with the BuildMaster Agent to monitor it's state before, during & after the deployment execution. Is the a way we can achieve this as the WS (ExecuteAgentCommand) call doesn't seem to contain any methods to check this?



    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.1.5

  • Don't call the SOAP methods directly; that's not supported, and the communication protocols can change in maintenance versions since it's not part of the SDK.

    The best way to do this would be using the Util.Agents::CreateAgentFromId method. This will return an AgentBase instance.

    Once you have that, you can invoke the GetService<T>() method (with IRemoteMethodExecuter as T), and then run code on the agent with the IRemoteMethodExecuter::InvokeMethod) method to get any information about the agent you'd like.

    There is also AgentBase::GetAgentStatus) method, but that's not as easy to interact with since you need to construct a context to determine if the agent is considered outdated.

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