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Working with symbols in nuget packages works not as expected.
We have been looking to add symbols to some packages for our nuget feed.
We enabled symbol support for the feed.We then tried to provide *.snupkg to the drop folder, where they didn't get picked up.
Ok, we then tried to embed the pdb during the build of the package, but then the pdb are always downloaded because they are part of the dll and striping does not remove them from the dll.We are not sure what striping now exactly entails when you enable it. Do we have to make nuget packages where the pdb are separately stored or something? Is this something we can configure in the buildoptions of the project or do we have to make the package separately.
Any guidance would be appriciated, thanks in advance!
Hello @stijn-peeters-external_8202,
Unfortunately, symbol packages are a bit complicated - and don't work quite as intuitively as NuGet packages.
Some quick configuration details:
- We recommend a single package (using the "embedded symbols" approach)
- Push the package to the normal /nuget endpoint not /symbols
- ProGet can strip symbols automatically, this can be configure on the Manage Feed page
Our symbol documentation has some advice on how to configure and set all this up:
https://docs.inedo.com/docs/proget-feeds-nuget-symbol-and-source-server#creating-symbol-packagesHope this helps!
Thanks for the feedback, the thing that caused some confusion is that for uncached packages on our buildagents, we began to get errors about modified nuget packages after enabling the striping of the symbols from the nuget packages
We can't ask all developers to use this feed to get their packages and re-do of all existing code.
So striping is not an option.We'll continue to work with the full packages always for now.
@stijn-peeters-external_8202 Thanks for letting us know; we do have plans to improve this in ProGet 2023, and make it much easier to use.