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Feature Request/Question: Azure DevOps On-Premises/Cloud integration extension

  • Is there an extension that can be installed into Azure DevOps (on-premises and cloud) that would add a ProGet feed to the artifact and NuGet locations? Currently I am using custom commands to do this whether NuGet tasks with a custom Push parameters or others to pull from a build artifact and move it to the cloud to use in a release. Sadly I have to have the code and builds on-premises and the release in Azure DevOps cloud. I have no idea if it is even possible to have ProGet added as an artifact location for the builds or add it as a normal feed location so the regular NuGet commands would see it and allow operations against it without having to do the custom stuff.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @bryan-ellis_2367 ,

    I'm not an Azure DevOps expert, but last I checked, it's not possible to add NuGet package sources other than it's own ADO Packages product or the public repositories. That may just refer to "upstream sources", but I'm not totally sure.

    However, if you want to use the ADO Pipeline's built-in NuGet commands to publish packages, I guess you can set up a service connection using this?


    Not totally sure -- but please let us know what you find :)


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