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ProGet: Feature Request: Allow disabling repackaging OR promotion while keeping the other

  • Our package promotion process involves repackaging versions from a dev feed into a prod feed.

    Users have found it confusing to have to remember to use Repackage instead of Promote, as "promote" is kind of the language we use for the process.

    I would like to remove the option to Promote packages, while leaving the Repackage option. In the permissions scheme, as far as i can tell, the two mechanisms are considered to be the same thing. The Task is literally Promote/Repackage Packages.

    Is there any way to do this currently? We're still on v5 if that matters.


  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @mcascone ,

    I admit this can be confusing and is unintuitive because these were added separately over time, and the weren't originally designed for how they're used today. We need to rethink/redesign this based on the use cases.

    I'm going to add this thread under the "promotion/repackaging workflows" topic for our next major version of ProGet. Once we know what we want to do, we can may be able to implement some changes as a preview feature in v6.

    FYI, this is exactly how the big API Key changes and feed/package usage instructions came about!


    So stay tuned :)

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