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Downloading Symbol files
I would like to know if it is possible to download symbol files stored in ProGet's Symbol Server without using Visual Studio.
If it is possible, how can I do it?
I only have the Package Id / version and the symbol filename. Looking into the JSON API provided with ProGet it looks like I need the Symbol Id which I've found is an internal id for the symbol used by ProGet, therefore I won't know what this is.
While there's no direct support for this, if you've already retrieved them from Visual Studio, the PDBs should be cached locally in the symbol cache.
Another way I can think of to do this is to get the package directly from disk on the ProGet server or share. You can't download them from the web app because it strips the PDBs out of it.
Once you have it, you can open the .nupkg as a zip file and grab the PDBs from the lib/netXX directory.