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Proget maven connector zero byte files
I've reproduced this error now in two separate installations of Proget. Both are running ProGet Version 5.3.36 (Build 4), one is in a docker container hosted on Centos linux, and the other was installed on a Windows server using Inedo Hub. We've configured multiple types of feeds (nuget, npm, maven) and only the maven feed is showing this problem.
Here are the steps I took to reproduce the error in the second installation.
- Installed Proget on Windows using Inedo Hub
- Configured a maven feed, and added a single connector to https://repo1.maven.org/maven2
- Executed a maven build using the Proget feed for the repository
- For every artifact that Proget mirrors from the Maven repo, all of the POM files are zero bytes in length. All of the artifact metadata is correct (description, version numbers etc) however if you directly download the POM file from the feed, it is always zero bytes. e.g., http://localhost:8624/maven2/test-maven/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/2.6/maven-resources-plugin-2.6.pom
I've done the following analysis.
- The files on disk are zero bytes in size in Proget's package store at C:\ProgramData\ProGet\Packages.maven2
- Using Fiddler as a proxy, I can see that ProGet is successfully connecting to the maven repo and downloading the files and that there is no connection problems and the entire contents of the files are being transferred.
So the issue appears to be happening when saving the files into the ProgramData storage. Since I've reproduced this on two completely different installations that are even running on different networks, and since Fiddler shows me that the HTTP transfers are successful and contain valid data, the problem seems to be with ProGet.
The only error messages I can see in the Diagnostic Center look to me as if they are side effects of ProGet trying to process package info from zero byte files so are not the cause of the problem.
Thank you for the very detailed information in sharing the problem and reproduction instructions. Based on this, I'm convinced you've run into this issue: PG-2005 (POM files downloaded from Maven feeds may be saved with empty contents).
ProGet 5.3.37 (which has that fix) is scheduled to be fixed on Friday, but we may release it sooner given the impact. It's holiday in US, otherwise we likely would have done it today already
Anyways, you have two choices:
[Recommended] Upgrade to
ProGet 5.3.37-rc.2
; for the Inedo Hub installation, you just need to switch to the Prerelease Feed -
Downgrade to
ProGet 5.3.34
The only difference between 5.3.36 and 5.3.37-rc.2 is that single issue (PG-2005).