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BuildMaster Proxy Support for Application Templates
Hi Support,
This might be an edge case; but if you don't ask .. you don't get..In configuring a Proxy Server for BuildMaster to use, when creating a new application the templates from proget.inedo.com are loaded however the icons are missing as the external url is passed to the client browser which doesn't have Internet Proxy access so therefore the icons are not loaded.
Could anything be done to cover the scenario where BuildMaster has a proxy configuration, but the client browsers are remote and do not have Internet access ?
Side question, can the online templates simply be deleted ? (and replaced with our own internal template source ?)
Hi @paul-reeves_6112 ,
That might be a bit more effort that it's worth (i.e. to proxy those external icons through BuildMaster), but something we can consider depending. Usually the client browser is not behind a restrictive proxy like that.
But most importantly... you can definitely point to your own template gallery. Once you do, you'll be able to publish your own templates under Application Settings.
You can also delete the
package source. It'll just give a warning on that page that it's not there, and give you a button to recreate it.Cheers,
Hi @NanciCalo,
Thanks for the response.In our case everything is on a 'dark' network, so nothing has Internet access so I am completing offline installs!
Client browser is on the dark network management side so has no Internet access.I can build a case that would allow the BuildMaster server to use a proxy to get its updates for both software versions and extensions, however I won't be able to build a case that the consoles have any internet access, especially just to display icons !
If there was an option in the advanced configuration/proxy that I could set to just not pull the icons or something to remove the apparent timeout delay rather than proxying the request that would work for me at least !Thanks,
Hi @paul-reeves_6112 ,
@apxltd requested that we implement this after all
So it will be handled via BM-3719 in an upcoming maintenance release, and the icons will be proxied through buildmaster server.