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Feed API endpoint is returning a double response
On the latest version of ProGet (Version 5.3.24 (Build 7)) I am getting weird responses from the API. Example Powershell:
$base_url = 'http://localhost:8624' $headers = @{ 'X-ApiKey' = $api_key } # Add the Powershell feed $feed_endpoint = $base_url + '/api/management/feeds/create' $request = @{ name = 'internal-powershell' feedType = 'powershell' description = 'Internal Powershell feed for hosting modules' active = $true } Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $feed_endpoint -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers $headers -Body ($request | ConvertTo-Json)
This is returning what appears to be a double response:
{ "name": "internal-powershell", "alternateNames": [], "feedType": "powershell", "description": "Internal Powershell feed for hosting modules", "active": true, "cacheConnectors": true, "allowUnknownLicenses": true, "allowedLicenses": [], "blockedLicenses": [], "symbolServerEnabled": false, "stripSymbols": false, "stripSource": false, "connectors": [], "vulnerabilitySources": [], "retentionRules": [], "packageFilters": {}, "packageAccessRules": {}, "replication": {}, "variables": {} } { "name": "internal-powershell", "alternateNames": [], "feedType": "powershell", "description": "Internal Powershell feed for hosting modules", "active": true, "cacheConnectors": true, "allowUnknownLicenses": true, "allowedLicenses": [], "blockedLicenses": [], "symbolServerEnabled": false, "stripSymbols": false, "stripSource": false, "connectors": [], "vulnerabilitySources": [], "retentionRules": [], "packageFilters": {}, "packageAccessRules": {}, "replication": {}, "variables": {} }
It's throwing Powershell off of course due to having two root elements. I confirmed this behavior using Postman, so it's not anything unique with Powershell. Can anyone else confirm they are seeing this? It seems like it might be a bug.
I was able to reproduce this error and fixed it in ticket PG-1917. We will be making a ProGet release, 5.3.25, later today and this fix will be included.
Can confirm the latest version resolves the issue. Thanks!