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ProGet - Use Connector filters like package search
i was thinking about filtering connectors like it is possible to search packages. What i mean is the possibility to filter by package properties (explained here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/consume-packages/finding-and-choosing-packages?view=vsmac-2019#search-syntax).
The search syntax is working on the feeds, but unfortunately not with connectors. My initial intention for this post is the idea to filter by "owner:Microsoft" instead of "Microsoft.*". For me it looks like a more properly way to filter packages from Microsoft.
Please let me know if i am getting something wrong. Otherwise this would be a great feature - are there more opinions about this or am i the only trying something like this?
That search syntax is really only supported by NuGet v3 API, I think; so, ProGet simply forwards on the query to that API, and returns the results.
But regardless, connector filters need to be applied after the remote feed returns results, because connector filter logic can be more complex that what is supported by the various feed APIs (you can allow Microsoft.* and Inedo.* for example).
More advanced connector filter options are definitely something we've considered, and we'd love to do things like "version: 3.*" for example. But, it's a lot more complicated under the hood, and probably isn't even feasible given the nature of feeds.