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ProGet V5.3.17 Excessive Database Connections

  • Hey Guys,

    We're running ProGet v5.3.17 (.Net 5) in a docker container and it is creating excessive database connections to our Microsoft Database Server (external to docker).

    We had an alert from the DB server that at one point it was over 100 sperate TCP connections coming from our single ProGet Container

    Doing a "netstat -a" on the container currently shows over 17 connections:


    Any ideas why so many? This has only been an issue since we moved to the .Net 5 version of ProGet.



  • inedo-engineer

    hi Simon,

    The default connection pool size for .NET's SQL Server connection is 100, so that behavior wouldn't be unexpected if there were a lot of requests to ProGet (very common in a package restore) and the database driver wasn't responding fast enough for whatever reason (also very common... too many network requests coming in, too many network requests going out, slow database server, etc.).

    The .NET Runtime will eventually close those connections, and they will then be terminated by the TCP stack shortly after (minutes?).


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