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ProGet net5.0 docker run in centos 7.8 web can't start(5.3.17)
Host: CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core)
Docker: version 19.03.5, build 633a0eaReference office Linux docker documentation, docker run inedo/proget:5.3.17,
docker logs proget without any error, but WebApplication not started/Listen to port 80.
docker exec -it proget bash, use dotnet ProGet.WebApplication.dll manual start Web, start with error: "Access to the path '/proc/1/map_files' is denied"
ref github issues: https://github.com/dotnet/dotnet-docker/issues/644
this may miss WORKDIR in Dockerfile.Now we create a local Dockerfile with content:
FROM proget.inedo.com/productimages/inedo/proget:5.3.17 WORKDIR /usr/local/proget
then build and run, can resolve this problem,
can you add WORKDIR official to resolve the compatibility with CentOS 7.
Hello, thank you for helping to identify this issue, and how we can solve it.
Just so I can understand the situation, I want to confirm that setting the
will allow ProGet to run on CentOS7?If so, do you think editing our Dockerfile like below (see the line I added) will fix the issue? It seems something easy we can try in the next release then.
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:5.0.0 EXPOSE 80 COPY proget/ /usr/local/proget/ ****** ADD THIS LINE **** WORKDIR /usr/local/proget/ ****** / ADD THIS LINE **** ENV SQL_CONNECTION_STRING "Data Source=proget-sql; Initial Catalog=ProGet; User Id=sa; Password=;" ENV PROGET_SVC_MODE both VOLUME /var/proget/packages VOLUME /var/proget/extensions VOLUME /usr/share/Inedo/SharedConfig CMD ([ -f /usr/share/Inedo/SharedConfig/ProGet.config ] || echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><InedoAppConfig><ConnectionString Type="SqlServer">'"`$SQL_CONNECTION_STRING"'</ConnectionString><WebServer Enabled="true" Urls="http://*:80/"/></InedoAppConfig>' > /usr/share/Inedo/SharedConfig/ProGet.config) \ && exec /usr/local/proget/service/ProGet.Service run --mode=`$PROGET_SVC_MODE --linuxContainer
Thanks, pleas let me know
Hi @atripp
I've been struggling getting the new version of proget(core) working on our Docker (CentOs) hosts for a while and I can confirm this is the issue!
This can also be fixed when using a docker compose (stack) file by adding:
working_dir: /usr/local/proget
Would still be great to get this built in to the dockerfile during the next release however.
Thank you @shijiyong_6709 for figuring this out!
Hi @scroak_6473 good to know! So, I've added the
WORKDIR /usr/local/proget/
line right above ourCMD
line, and it should go in the next release.