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Unable to debug using ProGet nuget server with symbol server enabled
Hi, I pretty much follow all the things stated in below link to setup the nuget private server with symbol feature enabled.
https://docs.inedo.com/docs/proget/feeds/nuget/symbol-and-source-serverThe nuget package is created with source link, however I can't manage to debug into the code after I done setup as what mentioned.
When I checked into the visual studio modules window -> "Symbol Load Information" for the related dll, it shows: http://server/symbols/nuget: Symbols not found on symbol server.
When I checked snupkg uploaded to proget, there is pdb file there.
Anyone has done debugging with ProGet before?
Symbol serving can be pretty tricky to get working, so make sure to follow the troubleshooting steps in the documentation.
You'll see SymbolLoad information for your DLL, which should look something like this:
If you're not seeing a call to your ProGet server, then Visual STudio isn't configured as needed.
If ProGet is returning a 404, then the symbol isn't indexed. You you see the status of symbols that ProGet found on the "Symbols" tab of your package.
Hi Atripp,
I can see the symbol is indexed as what shown in "Symbols" tab of my package.
And I follow all the visual studio configuration as what stated in the document below.
https://docs.inedo.com/docs/proget/feeds/nuget/symbol-and-source-serverIn "Symbol Load Information" window, sometimes I see error as below
Symbols not found on symbol server.
or sometimes it could be
Skipped checking location. The symbol file was not found in this location before.
Also with reference to the document:
The hex string in the file path should also start with the GUID listed in ProGetFor my case, the hex string in file path shown in "Symbol Load Information", always remain the same which is a2727aa9056b47349b8baab590e434d4ffffffff even though I try delete and upload the new package several times and different GUID generated each time.
NuGet/VS will aggressively cache packages, so if you're not seeing the "Symbol Load Information" it probably means you have an old, cached package or DLL. It's hard to get-around this, so it's best to really just create new package versions so the caching isn't happen
Thanks Atripp for your advice, it really helpful !
I can debug into the source code now.
However, there is one thing I would like to clarify.
The symbol is loaded and so the pdb file is downloaded to cache location.
So when I step into the code, am I actually step into the source code in the nuget package hosted in ProGet server or my private repository in gitlab?I noticed if I upload the legacy format (symbols.nupkg), there is source code being populated (with src folder at the root).
The legacy pdb format bundles sources in the NuGet package (in which case, it comes from ProGet), whereas pdb file uses source link.
So it depends on the format you make the pdb. It sounds like it's the new format, however.
This post is deleted!
Suddenly, can't download the symbol.
After I upload the nuget package to proget, I can't seem to configure the symbol server tab.
Got the screenshot as below
Dear Atripp, no symbol is loaded after I upload the package (snupkg or symbols.nupkg). Can you help to adddress this issue?
Thank you very much!
It will be so great if this can work! I can even upload my company vsix. May recommend others to use too
Unfortunately, when symbol serving doesn't work, it can be a pain to diagnose...
Can you "start from scratch", documenting your steps along the way, so that I can try to reproduce exactly what you're doing?
Start by making a very simple, hello world sort of library (maybe one class, with some basic code you can easily step/through and debug).
After that, then create some brand new feed (it sounds like you want two feeds? a symbols and a package feed?), then configure the new feed in Visual Studio. Then follow the other steps, like seeing if you can find the symbols in Visual Studios, etc.
If you can share the exact steps you did, and the package you upload, then I can reproduce the error you're seeing by following steps using the package.