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Migrating from local storage to Azure Storage
We need to move from local package storage to Azure storage of packages.
Is there a simple way to migrate the existing packages over to the new storage?
We have a large number of packages and feeds so a non manual method is required.
Currently we do not currently have proget enterprise.
Please see our documentation for cloud storage. There is a subsection for migrating a feed to cloud storage.
That looks great, some of the feeds do not support drop paths though, does that require manual then?
Here is a knowledge base article for migrating feeds. Although the majority of this is probably not helpful, the very last section talks about how to migrate a Maven feed. You could probably use that to migrate any Maven feeds to Blob storage. It may be easier for Maven to:
- Create a new feed
- Migrate your packages over using the KB article
- Remove your old feed
- Rename your new feed to the old feed's name
Pulled from our Feed docs
Renaming a feed will also change its API Endpoint URL. As of ProGet 5.2.19, you can create "Alternate Names" for a feeds by going to Manage Feed > Rename, then clicking the Set Alternate Names link in the warning dialog. Alternate feed names essentially provide multiple endpoint URLs for a feed, and are useful when renaming feeds to keep backwards compatibility with old names.
That should cover all the feeds except Docker. Do you have any docker feeds configured? Is there any other feeds you are having trouble migrating?
Thanks will give it a try.
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