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[PROGET]Troubles with PGSCAN & the Dependencies API

  • Good Afternoon,

    I'm currently using Proget 5.9.3, and I've downloaded the latest version of PGSCAN (1.0.0) from your documentation website and followed it to the best of my ability. I installed dotnet core 3.1, compiled it locally, and generated an EXE.

    I spent an hour trying to script out the commandline, but I've hit a couple of roadblocks. When I run it, this doesn't provide any output to the command that I run unless a mandatory field is missing from the EXE call, or if it cannot locate the source file I am using. Here is the call:

    D:\pgscan\pgscan.exe Publish --type=nuget --input=$solutionName --package-feed=$feedName --proget-url=$progetURL --consumer-package-source=$feedName --consumer-package-name=$packageName --consumer-package-version=$releaseNumber --consumer-package-group=$devTeam

    When I got to the point that I had with the call above, I stopped receiving errors about missing file location or missing flag, so I assumed it was successful. I checked the "Usage and Statistics" page in both the main page for the package and the specific version I was referencing for that package. Both of these show no new consumers added, and the admin back-end does not show any errors. I poked around in SQL and in the packageUsage table, I see that it is empty. Based on the options provided to me below, I don't see an authentication mechanism where I'd have to add an api key. It's been over 10 minutes and I haven't seen any updates, so I assume that this failed with no errors.

    pgscan v1.0.0.0
    Usage: pgscan <command> [options...]
      --input=<source file name>
      --package-feed=<ProGet feed name>
      --proget-url=<ProGet base URL>
      --consumer-package-source=<feed name or URL>
      report        Display dependency data
      publish       Publish dependency data to ProGet

    I've also tried this in the API with the dependencies that is listed on the same page in the documentation, and I've gotten it to respond with a 204. Just like with pgscan, I don't see updates to data in the page. If a 204 is reported to pgscan, I can see why it doesn't have an output, but I think that something is still wrong and that the 204 is inaccurate. What am I missing here?

  • inedo-engineer

    Thanks for the detailed writeup! We've just published v1.0.1 of pgscan that should fix the issues you've described. v1.0.1 will now actually write errors and other info to the console like it's supposed to. There is also now a --api-key argument to allow it to authenticate with ProGet.

    Downloads are here: https://github.com/Inedo/pgscan/releases

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