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Upgrade with offline installer hub?

  • I need to upgrade my ProGet instance that seems to not have connectivity to part of the inedo hub download process, so i'm trying to do an offline upgrade. I created the offline installer for the 5.3.10 version and copied a .zip of the folder to the proget server.

    (I actually did this with proget: i created the zip on my workstation and uploaded it to proget as an asset, and downloaded it on the actual proget VM.)

    When i launch the InedoHub.exe from the offline installer folder, it actually shows an incorrect version of ProGet: 5.3.0-m.5, while my proget ui shows 5.3.7 (build 12); and doesn't give me the option to upgrade it. What am I doing wrong?

    When i launch the inedo hub that is installed on the VM, it too shows the obsolete version, and says I can't do anything before upgrading the hub. It gets stuck and quits during this process.

    I would much prefer to be able to just do a regular online upgrade. There's no policy that this machine can't have access to the internet, and it can hit most external sites, but it always gets stuck on the "downloading indedo hub" step of the update process. What URLs must i request to be whitelisted by IT to enable the regular online process to work?


  • inedo-engineer

    Hello, lots of questions to address, but since you prefer to do a regular online upgrade, let's just suggestion that :)

    The [config] button in Inedo Hub lets you configure a package source; this shoudl be https://proget.inedo.com/upack/Products. If you whitelist proget.inedo.com then it should be fine.

  • Hi, thanks for the reply. I checked that i can hit that url with a browser, so it's not blocked. InfoSec confirmed the whole domain is open through our ZScaler.

    I did look in the config of the Hub and it was not set as you suggest. I changed it to the right url, and it doesn't fail, but it doesn't seem to find the update. Snag_545ebdf4.png

    I can add one more thing, that one of the SQL services isn't running, and i had to restart another one. They were both in 'disabled' state. It doesn't change the behavior of the Hub, though.

    PS C:\Users\MaxCadmin\Downloads> Get-Service *inedo*
    Status   Name               DisplayName
    ------   ----               -----------
    Running  INEDOPROGETSVC     ProGet Service
    Running  MSSQL$INEDO        SQL Server (INEDO)
    Stopped  SQLAgent$INEDO     SQL Server Agent (INEDO)
    Stopped  SQLTELEMETRY$INEDO SQL Server CEIP service (INEDO)

    Now, all but the SQLAgent are running, and i can't get it running - when i start, it gives the error

    The SQL Server Agent (INEDO) service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.

    PS C:\Users\MaxCadmin\Downloads> Get-Service *inedo*
    Status   Name               DisplayName
    ------   ----               -----------
    Running  INEDOPROGETSVC     ProGet Service
    Running  MSSQL$INEDO        SQL Server (INEDO)
    Stopped  SQLAgent$INEDO     SQL Server Agent (INEDO)
    Running  SQLTELEMETRY$INEDO SQL Server CEIP service (INEDO)


    There is an error in "View Error" that suggested my l couldn't access the Proget2 DB. I realized I have begun logging in to everything with a new Admin account, and it was probably confusing the issue as i set up Proget with my original user account.
    I was able to open SQL Server Management Studio as the user account, and add my admin account to the Proget2 db.
    I re-launched Hub, and behold, the Upgrade button was now there. It went quickly and smoothly, and now i am upgraded.

  • inedo-engineer

    Thanks for updating and letting us know the problem was related to a connection string!

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