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Proget Docker container should support Ping command

  • Hey Guys,

    Wondering if you could update a future proget container image to include "ping", this is very useful when troubleshooting.




  • inedo-engineer

    hi Simon, thanks for the suggestion.

    I'm not so familiar with the ping command, and i didn't find much on searching "docker ping command". Do you have any information on it, is it a kind of standard?

    Or is this the usual ping that you use to like, ping google.com or something?

    Cheers, Alana

  • Hi @atripp

    Yep just the standard ping command. You can install it on your container image using something like the following in the dockerfile:

    apt-get install iputils-ping.



  • inedo-engineer

    @scroak_6473 oh I see, the usual ping! Thanks.

    How/when is this helpful? Is it something that is called from outside the container? My image is, "I need to diagnose my network configuration, so I SSH into my Docker container, but ping isn't there?"

  • Hi @atripp,

    That's correct. I'm having issue getting my proget container talking to my clair container and I want to make sure proget can communicated with clair over their shared docker network.

    So I connect to proget's container command line and try to issue "Ping clair" etc


  • inedo-engineer

    Ah got it, thanks!

    Seems like an easy line to add (and probably doesn't increase container size much), but since it's only used during intiial setup, is it easy to run apt-get install iputils-ping first, or does that require a special kind of network access? Or is this common in other product-based containers?

  • @atripp yes its easy to add using apt-get when required however if you have an issue where the container is automatically restarting (for some reason) you would need to install it after every restart.

    Its pretty common to have this application installed in most container images.


  • inedo-engineer

    @scroak_6473 got it, thanks! Okay, I've requested to engineering about adding it to the upcoming ProGetCore container, and we'll update this with more details as we have i

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