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Buildmaster user privileges

  • Hi, we are using Buildmaster v4.0.6 build 26.

    We have setup a Developer Role which is allowed to all option under "Builds" excet "Force Build" and "Override Promotion Status".

    We then assign a user as a Developer under Manage Privileges.

    But the user is now able to promote the build - they only get viewing privileges.

    Can you please check if there is a bug or maybe we have not set it up correctly.


  • I'm guessing it has to do with the type of license assigned to the user. If you go to Admin > "Licensing & Activation", is the developer in question marked as a "Full" user?

    In the meantime we'll verify the privileges.

  • Thanks, we did not have the user set as "Full". This has solved the problem for us.

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