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How to always execute Get-Asset in Role?

  • I use the custom DSC resource to import and apply the certificate for use with the RDS role.

    Before running Ensure-DscResource I need to download the appropriate certificate from the repository. I'm trying to download the certificate to a temporary directory using Get-Asset to use it later with a DSC resource. The server configuration is as follows:

    Get-Asset server.domain.lab.pfx
        Type: File
        ConfigurationKey: $Role,
        Name: xRDCertificateConfiguration,
        Module: xRemoteDesktopSessionHost,
        Properties: %(
            Role: RDRedirector,
            ConnectionBroker: server.domain.lab,
            ImportPath: $PathCombine($WorkingDirectory, server.domain.lab.pfx),
            Credential: $PSCredential(Certificate, P@ssw0rd)

    The file is unfortunately not downloaded.
    If I create a plan with the same script, everything works fine and the file is downloaded.

    How can I assure that this file is downloaded in a role? I try to avoid using Ensure-Asset.

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  • inedo-engineer

    Great question!

    The answer is, unfortunately, buried in the Formal Specifications. But long story short, you'll want to wrap the Get-Asset operation in a with executionPolicy = always block.

    For more information, note that there are three modes of executions:

    • Collect Only - only ICollectingOperation operations will run; if the operation is a IComparingOperation, then drift may be indicated. All ensure operations implement both interfaces.
    • Collect then Execute - a collection pass is performed as described above; if any drift is indicated, an execution pass is performed that runs:
      • operations that indicated drift
      • IExecutingOperation operations in the same scope as a drift-indicating operation that do not implement - IComparingOperation; this is all execution actions
      • operations with an execution policy of AlwaysExecute; this can only be set on a Context Setting Statement
    • Execute Only- only IExecutingOperation operations will run; all ensure and execute operations implement this interface

    So what's happening is that Get-Asset will never run in a Collect pass, where as Ensure-DscResource will always run in a Collect pass (but only in Collection mode). By forcing Get-Asset to always execute, it will run even in the collect pass.

    By the way: I would love to find a way to properly document the answer to this, so users don't get frustrated; any suggestions on where to edit the contents?

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