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Unable to connect to remote server

  • After updating to Proget 2.2.2, I started having connection issues when pushing packages. I have a deployment script which pushes 8 or 9 packages (none of them weighing more than 50K). In the process, I get "Unable to connect to remote server" at some point, sometimes after the first package, sometimes in the middle, and rarely I get all packages pushed. I updated to 2.2.4 and I still find these issues. It was working fine before the upgrades. I tried extending the timeouts and the request size. I recycled the application pool. None of these actions seem to resolve the problem. This is the exception I am getting:

    System.Net.WebException: No es posible conectar con el servidor remoto ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Se produjo un error durante el in
    tento de conexión ya que la parte conectada no respondió adecuadamente tras un periodo de tiempo, o bien se produjo un error en la conexión estab
    lecida ya que el host conectado no ha podido responder
    en System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
    en System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSock
    etState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
    --- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la excepción interna ---
    en System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
    en NuGet.RequestHelper.GetResponse(Func1 createRequest, Action1 prepareRequest, IProxyCache proxyCache, ICredentialCache credentialCache, IC
    redentialProvider credentialProvider)
    en NuGet.HttpClient.GetResponse()
    en NuGet.RedirectedHttpClient.GetResponseUri(HttpClient client)
    en NuGet.RedirectedHttpClient.EnsureClient()
    en System.Lazy1.CreateValue() en System.Lazy1.LazyInitValue()
    en System.Lazy1.get_Value() en NuGet.MemoryCache.GetOrAdd[T](Object cacheKey, Func1 factory, TimeSpan expiration, Boolean absoluteExpiration)
    en NuGet.RedirectedHttpClient.get_CachedClient()
    en NuGet.RedirectedHttpClient.get_Uri()
    en NuGet.PackageServer.ResolveBaseUrl()
    en System.Lazy1.CreateValue() en System.Lazy1.LazyInitValue()
    en System.Lazy1.get_Value() en NuGet.PackageServer.GetClient(String path, String method, String contentType) en NuGet.PackageServer.PushPackageToServer(String apiKey, Func1 packageStreamFactory, Int32 timeout)
    en NuGet.PackageServer.PushPackage(String apiKey, IPackage package, Int32 timeout)
    en NuGet.Commands.PushCommand.PushPackageCore(String source, String apiKey, PackageServer packageServer, String packageToPush, TimeSpan timeou
    en NuGet.Commands.PushCommand.PushPackage(String packagePath, String source, String apiKey, TimeSpan timeout)
    en NuGet.Commands.PushCommand.ExecuteCommand()
    en NuGet.Commands.Command.Execute()
    en NuGet.Program.Main(String[] args)

  • We did not change the way the integrated web server worked... so I would try to monitor the ProGet website and service to see if it gets shut down. That seem unlikely, since it doesn't happen consistently.

    Maybe it's also network related.

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